
green monster madness

Have you ever heard of a green monster? Not all green monsters are created equally ๐Ÿ™‚ Which is why Angela created this page for green monster smoothie recipe submissions!


No, I am not talking about this green monster. I am talking about a smoothie! This is the kind of smoothie that some may think tastes like a plant but I think it tastes yummy!

tastes like a plant?

Into Jasper’s green monster smoothie goes:

1 c. fresh spinach

1 c. almond milk

1 scoop brown rice protein powder

1 t. vanilla

1 banana

1/2 c. greek yogurt

tastes like a plant?

Does it taste like a plant? No, I do not think it tastes like a plant. And though I do not go around licking leaves or chewing tree bark, I think I can vouch for the green monster recipe tasting like food, not plants.

tastes like a plant?

How often should I drink a green monster smoothie? Well, I am not a doctor, I am not a registered dietician, I am not a clinical nutritionist…I will say that you can eat green smoothies as a fun morning treat, an afternoon snack or as a meal that would replace any proper nutritional dish (consult your doctor).

tastes like a plant?

On day I will get Angela to post my recipe to the green monster movement site but she is busy writing a cookbook!

tastes like a plant?

You can throw all sorts of ingredients into your green monster smoothie! I would not suggest real plants in your smoothie, however.

tastes like a plant?

Instead of spinach, sometimes I use raw or steamed kale! Even Justin Bieber chugged a green monster smoothie before his 2010 Madison Square Garden sell-out!


Yes, I may have also followed him on Twitter last night. Sue me! I want to know what a dude tells 18.1 M followers each day! You can follow me if you’d like ๐Ÿ™‚

Back to the green monsters!

tastes like a plant?

However you take your green monster just don’t forget the banana! Happy Friday to you lovely people!

Here’s me chugging juice, not a green monster! ..okay, happy friday! – Jasper Naomi

2 responses

  1. hahaha i love the disney monster reference… that’s exactly what i first thought when i heard green monster.
    i’m really surprised by how tasty they actually are! yours looks fantastic.

    March 9, 2012 at 4:14 pm

    • thanks! isn’t it adorable that Disney is always a crowd pleaser? love Disney

      March 9, 2012 at 4:40 pm

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